Hi! I'm Andito Rizkyka

I'm student of Telkom University majoring in informatics. Experienced in social and many Committee/Organization . I’m Adaptable, Problem Solver , Creative , Critical Thinker and Dreamer.


Hard Skills


Understand about basic HTML tag and evolution of HTML(HTML5)


Understand about basic style of CSS like Position,Layout, Typography

Java Script

Understand about Basic Javascirpt, manupulation DOM, Object,and Async Programming. Experienced building small game.


Experienced building backend from campus task and Understand about fundamental golang.

Tailwind CSS

Experienced building this website and Recipe-Kita Front End. Understand about every style function.


Understand about DDL and DML as final Task in Data Base Modelling in Curriculum Informatics Tel-U.


2nd Year language that curriculum used for learn Data Structure in Tel-U. Understand about basic C++.


Understand about Kotlin fundamental, kotlin OOP, kotlin functional programming, Kotlin generics and couroutines

Android Studio

Experienced build KuizKuy! app with kotlin and android studio, understand about layout, intent and recycler view


Experienced build IndoWira Projects! Slicing with Flutter, Understand about dart nullable,OOP, Widgets, StateManagement in flutter

Social Activities

Social activities is the most important things to build our soft-skills and networking.

Pentas Seni : ATMISOURI 2K18

Documentation team | 2018 Documented all moments on Event and provide the result to all students

Wartawan Sekolah

Creative Team | 2018/2019 Succeeded in creating magazines and creating school content in digital and physical form


Head of Academic and Non-Academic Performance | 2019 carrying out work programs for innovative achievements in the non-academic field, namely E-Sports and running "Cerdas Cermat" competitions during the pandemics

Start-Up Youth Indonesia : Leardship Camp 2021

Health Mentor | 2021 Success being a health mentor and achieve the favorit team in SYILC 2021


Event Organizer | 2022 Success to organizing the election party for Informatics Students

PKKMB Prodi : Hello World 2023

Event Planner | 2023 Success to organizing the welcoming party for new students of Informatics Telkom University

Skills is nothing without Projects

Implementing skills in projects helps apply knowledge, gain practical experience, and showcase abilities to achieve real-world results and impact.

Portofolio Dito A website to show up my interests, skills, and projects that i created before.
Technology Used :
Resep Kita Recipe Ideas website for helping your cooking times!. This website is for visual purposes only
Technology Used :
Suit Game Suit Game! you will be play with computer with your own choices. Scissors? Paper? or rock?, decide your choices and beat the computer!
Technology Used :
KuizKuy! KuizKuy!, an android Application developed by Andito Rizkyka and Ma'ruf Firdaus as the first portofolio using androidstudio. Answer the question and be the winner!
Technology Used :
IndoWira IndoWira, Aplikasi Management Komunitas yang mendorong Kewirausahaan, Kerjasama Usaha, Investasi & Charity
Technology Used :